English Roast Air Fryer RecipeIntroduction

Roast dinners are a beloved British tradition, and there's nothing quite like the comforting aroma of a roast filling your home on a Sunday afternoon. Traditionally, preparing an English roast involves using an oven and a bit of patience, but what if we told you that you could achieve the same succulent results in a fraction of the time using an air fryer? In this blog post, we'll show you how to make a mouthwatering Air Fryer English Roast that's sure to become a new family favorite.


For the Roast:

  • 2-3 pound beef roast (e.g., sirloin or ribeye)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried)

For the Vegetables:

  • 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and chopped into chunks
  • 2-3 carrots, peeled and sliced into thick rounds
  • 2-3 parsnips, peeled and sliced into chunks
  • 1 onion, cut into wedges
  • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste
  • Additional herbs (optional)


  • Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) while you prepare the roast and vegetables.
  • Begin by preparing your beef roast. Rub the roast all over with olive oil, making sure to coat it evenly. Season generously with salt, black pepper, minced garlic, rosemary, and thyme. Allow the roast to sit at room temperature for about 15-20 minutes to absorb the flavors.
  • While the roast is marinating, prepare your vegetables. In a large mixing bowl, toss the potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and onion with olive oil, salt, pepper, and any additional herbs you prefer. Make sure the vegetables are well coated.
  • Place the seasoned roast in the air fryer basket, and set the timer for 20 minutes. This initial searing step will help lock in the juices and create a beautiful crust on the outside of the roast.
  • After 20 minutes, carefully flip the roast using tongs, and add the seasoned vegetables to the air fryer basket around the roast.
  • Continue cooking for an additional 20-30 minutes, or until the internal temperature of the roast reaches your desired level of doneness. For medium-rare, aim for 135°F (57°C), and for medium, aim for 145°F (63°C).
  • Remember to shake or stir the vegetables in the basket occasionally to ensure even cooking and browning.
  • Once your Air Fryer English Roast is done, carefully remove it from the air fryer and let it rest for about 10 minutes before slicing.
  • Serve the succulent slices of roast beef alongside the roasted vegetables for a truly delectable meal. You can also pair it with your favorite gravy or sauce.


Enjoying a classic English roast doesn't have to be reserved for special occasions or lengthy cooking times. With the magic of the air fryer, you can savor this beloved dish any day of the week. The result is a tender, flavorful roast beef and perfectly roasted vegetables that will leave your taste buds delighted. Give this Air Fryer English Roast recipe a try, and you'll have a new culinary masterpiece in your repertoire.